Chris Gallagher has a great article on on what high performance is really about and what it's not. The article is filled with gems, here are a few that resonated with me:

High performance is about much more than the name and facilities and equipment. It is not merely about capturing data

What, then, is a real high-performance environment? To me, it consists of three simple, yet major facets: people, philosophies, and culture.

People are, or should be, your greatest commodity, your greatest resource in a high-performance environment. Talented, driven, inquisitive and ambitious people are essential

Many coaches have a very large toolbox but cannot decide what to do because they don’t have a philosophy. – Dan Pfaff

“Good coaches are better able to learn from history—because they have a philosophy,” he says, and adds that “a philosophy protects from the comings and goings of the various trends that permeate the profession. Good coaches maintain a core set of principles—and are far less influenced by the current trends of the day.”

For a sports team littered with superstars, there is a humility, dedication to hard work and doing what needs to be done. “Ego has to be left at the door; there is a rigidly enforced ‘no d—head policy’ in the squad

Read the full article here for a number of other good points. 

AuthorJoel Filliol

Another good post from Propel Perform - this time from Jeff Janssen on elements of strong performance cultures - 'championship cultures'. Numbers 2, 3 and 4 resonated with me, and reading this article made me consider, and reflect on where my current coaching practice sites with respect to this principles.

1. Credible Leaders

2. Clear and Compelling Vision

3. Core Values

4. Standards of Behavior

5. Aligned Systems

6. Committed and Unified Team Members

Read the full article and follow the author on twitter  @janssenleader

AuthorJoel Filliol