"Stress is difficult but stress is also good; it gives you a determination to fight"
A short interview with Liverpool football manager Brendan Rogers: "What's in a day for Rodgers?" with some insight on how he works.
The influence of Psychologist Steve Peters' work with the team can been seen here, with the 'kings and queens' philosophy:
"I then say, it is your responsibility. I will give you all the tools, an elite environment, a high-performance focus, we give you the best people: medical, mental, technical, tactical and I will manage that. "
"All those factors will allow you to perform to a level of excellence. I tell all the players: 'the crown is on your head, you're the king of your destiny.'"
Another quote that resonated was the following about commitment vs motivation:
"I want commitment, not motivation, because motivation is fleeting, it goes by feelings,"
With the pressure and resources going into professional sports, there is always something to learn looking at the processes of the teams behind the teams.