Adam Meakins' site The Sports Physio has an outstanding article on what is really required from physiotherapists working in sport, "So you want to be a Sports Physio" written by by Gary Anderson (@CoachGA), the Performance Director for the Great British Bobsleigh Team and Olympic Team Leader 2014.
“Shit happens, life is not fair and the goalposts do move”
Gary lists his his criteria for selecting his support teams, as well as his performance philosophy.
A few highlights:
- Contribute to team climate
- No opinions in public
- Accept uncomfortable environment
- Never an easy day
- Not about athletes being happy
The article is well worth a read for all coaches, and applies equally to anyone within your team.
"Do not forget the human interaction – effective communication overrides every element of technology or procedure that you have in your armoury. In my experience the body has a very clever way of righting itself in time, you are just trying to accelerate that natural process. Show that you care, show that you have the best performance interest at the for-front of what you do, thst is very powerful for an athlete."