AuthorJoel Filliol

A great blog by physio Paul Westwood  @triathlonphysio who support my squad over on Adam Meakins blog 'The Sports Physio":

A few highlights below that have guided how we work with our athletes and navigate the process of high performance training:

We tend to try that extra bit harder with high performance athletes. We want to impress them, they deserve more, they need to get everything they want. If they’re complaining of pain we need to do something about it and do it now! They need ‘intensive physiotherapy’. If the pain doesn’t reslove they need even more intensive physiotherapy. MRI scans are done at the drop of the hat, steroid injections given instantly, arthroscopes quickly, as long as it makes them happy and gives them what they want.
Think about what you can actually do to make a difference. Often this is not a lot. Don’t throw everything and the kitchen sink at athletes, don’t pump them full of pain killers, perform endless manips, poke them full of needles and give relentless massages trying to release what isn’t stuck. Don’t fly them across the world to see one expert after the next. In life shit happens from time to time. Once we accept this we can quickly move on and get back on track rather than wasting energy on a fruitless searches and potentially harmful interventions. A calm and reassuring response is all that is often required.
When you work with your athletes, show them what they are capable of rather than showing them what YOU think is wrong with them, and sometimes they just need to train and race to find their belief.

Once you look beyond the smoke and mirrors of the wonder physio there usually is a great therapist in there. They just have to trust their knowledge, humanist skills and faith in what people are actually capable of. Find this out by knowing your athletes. My most successful outcomes are usually achieved by simply listening and talking.
AuthorJoel Filliol

"Olympic Coach is a publication of the United States Olympic Committee Sport Performance Division/Coaching Education Department." 

If you've not seen USOC's free magazine for high performances coaches, check it out. Many good articles in the back issues on topics relevant to coaches.

2015 Summer Olympic Coach click here

AuthorJoel Filliol

When @iamspecialized_tri came to visit: A little insight into our camp and the powerful Richard Murray who has helped build this since the beginning ‪#‎jftcrew‬

Find the link in below for the full video of our days in Les Angles with @rd_murray and the Joel Filliol Training Crew. 

We asked what makes #JFTcrew a super group:…/richard-murray-and-the-joe…/

South African triathlete Richard Murray is spending six weeks in the French ski village of Les Angles, training under the guidance of Joel FIlliol. Specialized spent three days at the altitude base to understand the location, the dynamics of the group, and their road to Rio.

"To go out to train, that's the success really!" - @rd_murray 

‪#‎3DaysWithRich‬ ‪#‎Triathlon‬ ‪#‎JoelFilliol‬ ‪#‎Inspiration‬

AuthorJoel Filliol

Listen to my interview with Ben Hobbs of TRS Triathlon

"Finally, legendary coach, Joel Filliol, shared his views on clean sport, high performance coaching and what separates olympic medalists from those who finish 20th. Who dopes more - age groupers or professionals? Do more than 30% of the Kona professionals take perfomance enhancing drugs? His answers might shock you."

AuthorJoel Filliol

Congrats to Katie Zaferes and Sarah True - both podium performances at the 2015 London ITU World Series  

AuthorJoel Filliol

Alicia Kaye and Andrew Yoder getting the work done in Boulder: 

AuthorJoel Filliol

With Helle Frekeriksen and Andrew Yoder

AuthorJoel Filliol