Joel and Paulo debate elements of a successful program, both from the basis of national federations, squad and club environments, and culture and environment. In follow up, we revisit the target of the podcast, squad sustainability, USRPT, a Kiwi going for Rio, Polarised training and Session RPE.

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Notes from Episode 8:


Swimmer Michael Andrew, the youngest American ever to turn pro, makes waves w/ his unconventional training methods. 

Wanaka's Braden Currie to start Olympic qualifying campaign at Port of Tauranga

Top Ten Recommendations for Olympic Federations

AuthorJoel Filliol
AuthorJoel Filliol

Joel and Paulo talk WADA, doping cover ups and dodgy labs, and answer follow up questions on Polarized Training. The main topic is swim training for triathletes, what works from our experiences, how to use swim tools and why, and how our views have changed since Joel published the Top 20 Swim Tips article back in 2012.

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Notes from Episode 5:

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Finis Agility PaddlesFinis Agility Paddles These are ideal for learning an effective catch, where you must press on the water effectively in the correct way. Medium is the right size for most athletes, small for small hands or larger for a different stimulus. 

Finis Instinct Sculling Paddles Smaller versions of the agility paddles: a good second paddle in the tool kit.

Speedo Power Paddle: Recommended basic flat paddles. Remove the wrist strap.

Finis Pulling Ankle Strap  A fancy ankle band: you can make a band out of a inner tube, or buy one of these.

Finis Bolster Paddles - YellowThese paddles don't allow your wrist to break. They require some commitment to be effective. 

Finis Swim Parachute - Red

A drag tool - teaches effective catch. Most swimmers should tie a knot before the chute to lessen the drag from 'stock'.

Finis Dry Land Cord

Pre-swim dry land training to set up high elbow catch neuro-muscular patterning. 

The Top 20 Tips for Faster Triathlon Swimming

Triathlon Book post "What should I do with my swimming"

Triathlon Book post "A little something we have forgotten"

Paper on Constraint based swimming 

AuthorJoel Filliol
AuthorJoel Filliol